We offer programs to introduce and practice yoga in companies. The classes can be hold at the work place, for instance in a meeting room. Also the employees can come to our studio where we hold classes - our studio is located in the heart of Buenos Aires just minutes away from Microcentro, Puerto Madero, Monserrat y San Telmo.  

In our classes the employees practice yoga postures and learn techniques of meditation and respiration. Within a few weeks the participants usually observe the first benefits of their practice.

The most important benefits of yoga practice are:

  • Yoga Evolutivo reduces stress and anxiety
  • Yoga Evolutivo improves concentration 
  • Yoga Evolutivo stimulates creativity 
  • Yoga Evolutivo reduces typical problems of office workers such as tensions, back pain, pain in neck and shoulder  

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  us for more information about our programs and fees. 

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